Diary of a new mommy...

Before I get into this here blog, I would like to posit a question—how on earth do mommy bloggers find the time to blog? Haha! Seriously though! My precious Emarosa is currently down for a nap, so my fingers are finally finding the time to flutter… for about the fourth time in 2 months. Emarosa Joy will be turning 6 months this April 17th, and I am in complete awe by how fast time flies. These past 5 months have been nothing short of an adventure—a pretty epic one at that. Here’s a little bit of what our family has been up to through the art of iphonegraphy ;)










I'm looking forward to returning to the blogging world these coming months and writing about all of the expertise I have come to withhold. Because after all, being a mother for 5+ months makes me an expert, right? I would LOVE to think so, but the truth is that I am learning daily. Yet in this short time, I definitely have learned and experienced a lot and would love to share some of it with you.

I am also looking forward to revamping my blog into something that’ll peek into my many interests alongside wifey and motherly fun! So, expect some good stuff coming your way.

The baby awakens so peace out!

Erica & Emarosa Joy