Be original

20130424-132711.jpg Today has been a rough day...getting better, but still...rough.

I'm extremely tired, cranky, frustrated, and so ready for a vacation! Haha but I'm still a wife, mother, and daughter of the most High. I can't turn off my roles and crawl into bed. I'd like to but I can't. Anyone else have days like these? I'm sure I'm not alone ;)

With so much going on lately, it has brought me to a place of self evaluation—to look at the woman and example I want to be for Emarosa and our future kiddos.

Lately, I've also talked with some of my friends about their desires to be more elegant, sociable, upstanding leaders, and other great characteristics. There are simply so many great qualities to have. So my question to you is this, how do you want your children, friends, family, and others to see you?


I definitely want my daughter to see me as an elegant, classy, and sociable woman. I also want her to see a strong yet meek leader, gentle and submissive wife; and of course, I want her to see a constant reflection of Christ. BUT, I also want my daughter to see a woman who's not afraid to stand out and be original.

I want her to feel like she can be free, silly, loud, over-the-top, emotional (the harnessed kind), and just herself with me.


I also want her to physically see someone who's fashionable but not always following the trend, someone who's not afraid to dye her hair pink. I want her to see someone who opens up her home, loves on and spends time with all kinds of women (not just believers).

The list can go on and on...


But the word that God keeps putting into my heart and head is simply, originality.

Again, I'm going to first and foremost lead my daughter and future children to love and serve God with all their heart, soul, and strength; but, I'm also going teach them to be original and to not be just like everybody else.


So I encourage you to be who God is leading you to be. Trust in Him. Walk in His ways and you'll be in His will. Be original.

After all, Christ was and is the most original of them all :)

Children of the FREE (Galatians 4),

Erica and Emarosa Joy

P.s. A big happy 6 months to my beautiful JOY!
